Sunday, January 17, 2010

My last semester in school.

This semester i want school it be life changing...

I have been challenge to think about the injustices in the world. I CANNOT GET THIS OUT OF MY MIND. As I was thinking about this, I thought I was going to be able to change the world. Then the earth quake happends in Haiti and I feel helpless again. What can I do. As I was praying and thinking last night a thought came into my thats its the Lord's Kingdom I am supposed to be partnering with. I need to stop trying to do everything myself. With self-denial comes with not only loving your neighbor as yourself but loving God. These are two equal things. I think loving and worshiping God will help me refresh. I need to let God help me with my cross. This burden is to much for me to carry. Another thing I have to remember is the importance of community. Community should be involved in everything I do. I need people working, worshiping and loving with me. I encourage everybody who reads this blog to partner with me, to love God, love the community are you and seek justice.

1 comment:

  1. This is good Scott; the burden for complete justice is a hard one to bear. Every now and then I hear Charles' voice saying to me, "you are not the world's Messiah!" and i'm reminded to let God be God.
