Wednesday, May 20, 2009

White Trash

I think I am comming to the grips that I am white trash. 

My parents live in a trailer behind my mothers flower shop.

Right now I am wearing a motorcycle shirt and a trucker hat.

I am listening to country.

I like big trucks.

I like harley davidson motorcycles.

I like to shoot guns. 

I like to shoot animals.

My house has trash piled sky high infront of it.

If you see any other white trash attributes let me know...

1 comment:

  1. hi scott... i saw your site as a referral to my own.. so i spent some time trying to figure out who you are.. and how you know me... maybe you can help me out. comment back on my about me page or something on my blog... i would love to get to know you and figure out how are lives (or blogs) have intertwined...

    PS: these are my additions to this blog--
    im a die hard nascar fan.
    i have 8 kids with 9 different men.
    my cat eats off my plate.
    so does the raccoon that sometimes visits.
    i sometimes sleep in my car if there is no room on the floor.
    i believe shirts and pants can still be worn after 10 years.
    i own a bud light hat.
